Chicken & Meat

Beef tacos with beans, come on

As many of you may know, tacos are a Mexican dish that consists of folding and filling a corn cake with various ingredients and sauces. They usually contain some meat product and some vegetables such as onion, bell pepper, tomato or beans (red beans), some spices such as chili and various sauces such as guacamole or fried vegetables.

Children will like them very much because of their powerful flavor and because they are eaten with their hands as a snack,

but be careful not to get them dirty.

Generally, Mexican recipes are characterized by their spicy and spicy flavor, so if children are not used to this type of dishes, it is better not to overdo it with seasonings such as chili or chili pepper.


Nutritionally, tacos are very complete.

They have minced meat or meat in small pieces (so the little ones eat it better), vegetables and the corn of the tortilla.


  • 4 taco tortillas,
  • 150 grams of minced meat,
  • 1 jar of red beans or kidney beans,
  • 1 onion,
  • half a red bell pepper and some green bell pepper,
  • a little fresh chili,
  • 5 spoonfuls of tomato sauce,
  • 1 clove of garlic,
  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • oil


In a frying pan with a little oil we fry the onion and garlic,

when it is transparent we add the bell pepper and the chili pepper (without the seeds, which is what stings the most) When the bell pepper is done,


we add the meat and season with salt and pepper.
Cook the meat over high heat for a few minutes and then add the tomato sauce.

At this point add the beans and sauté for a few minutes until the sauce is slightly reduced.

Then fill the tacos and put them in the oven for a couple of minutes at high temperature.

You can also heat the tortillas in the microwave before filling them. We can serve them with guacamole



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